Remembering the Piramides

Tonight I am remembering a post written ten years ago. It has been a long week and I am having blog block so decided to see what I wrote long ago. I have also thought about this trip recently so it caught my eye.

Just a short post this evening as I am worn out and also a bit dehydrated. I have been taking a long siesta.

Today we visited Teotihuacan where the great Mexican Piramides are located.

Dominating the site is the Piramide del Sol.

Teotihuacan - Temple of the Sun - Mexican Piramides - Pyramids - Aztec - Mexico - Piramide del Sol

This Piramide has a square base of 225 meters and a height of 65 meters.

We climbed to the top of this Piramide.

Teotihuacan - Temple of the Sun - Mexican Piramides - Pyramids - Aztec - Mexico - Piramide del Sol - Top of Pyramid

It was a long but rewarding climb. At the top is a little silver spot that marks the center of the Piramide. We had a great view from the top.

From the top I took this picture.

Teotihuacan - Temple of the Moon - Mexican Piramides - Pyramids - Aztec - Mexico - Piramide de la Luna

This is the Piramide de la Luna. This one is quite a bit smaller with a base that is 140m x 150m and a height of only 45.8 meters.

Here is the view from the first platform of the Piramide de la Luna.

Teotihuacan - Temple of the Moon - Mexican Piramides - Pyramids - Aztec - Mexico - Piramide de la Luna - Calzada de Los Muertos - Avenue of the Dead

Here we look down the principle avenue of the city of Teotihuacan. The avenue is known as Calzada de Los Muertos, or the Avenue of the Dead.

There is much more to share about this site. I had planned on sharing more information as to how the different structures were named and some of their history.

Keep a lookout for future posts


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